Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Amber's Visit

Well, this is interesting.  Amber's visiting Miranda.  Hmm. Wonder what that's all about.  Maybe Amber needs some pointers on the correct way to meditate or practice yoga.  Then again, this IS Amber we're talking about, so that's highly unlikely!  Let's have a listen, shall we?

Seriously?? Amber thinks she needs the mansion in order to entertain all the "right" people? She obviously has no idea that the "right" people think she's irritating and have no interest in attending any of her parties. They only talk to her when they absolutely have to, and even then, for as short a time as possible.  How does her husband, Terry, put up with her?  Poor guy.  Maybe he lives in a dream world too...



  1. So cute and funny. Uh, oh. The fight for the mansion is already starting. Seems like Miranda knows that The Power That Is, probably hasn't even taken the mansion out of storage. LOL.

  2. Vanessa,
    And the battle begins! LOL Miranda knows a lot more than she let's on. She's smart in that she doesn't get involved in other peoples' battles. Keeps her life happy and peaceful that way! Glad you enjoyed my little story. I think it's funny how some of the residents are fighting over a house that's still in storage! :-)

  3. I'm wringing my hands wondering what has to be moved and where on earth are we going to put it to bring the Mansion home again. Walking away, shaking my head.........Oh my aching back!!!! LOL

  4. No hand wringing necessary Marianne! Rest your back. Nothing needs to be moved...yet. LOL :-)

  5. I told you your girls would squabble over the mansion. LOL

  6. Robin,

    Yes, I know. Isn't it great? LOL I just love messing with their heads--especially Amber's since she's the most obnoxious and pushy one! I'm curious to see how far she'll go to get herself into a piece of prime property that's still in a storage room! LOL :-)

  7. Poor Miranda! If she gets the house, I could see Amber walking in and trying to take over. Groan.

  8. True! LOL Fortuneatly, Miranda doesn't want the mansion. She's very happy living along the beach in her cozy little home. Amber, on the other hand, wants it so bad she can taste it! LOL :-)
